Thursday, August 6, 2009

Midnight Bike Ride (Sat, Aug 8)

Saturday, August 8th, meet in front of Trinity Church, Copley Square at 11:15 pm, leave Copley around midnight. Traditionally, dawn finds the group at Castle Island, and there’s breakfast at the end in Christopher Columbus park. Riders are requested to bring a bike light, wear a helmet and something reflective, have a spare inner tube (that fits your tires), and bring something for breakfast. Commemorative T-shirts available.
It’s not a particularly taxing ride (about 30 miles or so) with stops to look at different sights along the way. Riding around the city at night when there is almost no traffic is really a neat experience, it’s fun to be out in a huge group, and to learn something of the history of the city.
Sponsored by the Back Bay Midnight Pedalers. More information available at 617-522-0259.

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